How to make money with art

Making money with art is the dream of many artists. How wonderful is it to have your passion appreciated by people and even be paid for? Many artists manage to make a living out of their profession, however, an endeavour like this has to be treated as any other business. And art is probably one of the most competitive markets of all of them, simply because people enjoy making art.
So what can you do to set yourself up for success? And where can you go to make a living from your art?

Picking the right audience for your art

Picking the right audience for your art can be a tricky thing to do. There are so many channels to display your art! It’s very easy to spread yourself thin.
But even if you manage to narrow down a specific audience, it may not work out because you’re in the wrong place, or maybe just for some unknown reason. Finding the right audience for your artistic endeavors takes time but we’re here to help you out!