The value of repeated shapes in your design

Repetition is a form of shape design. Its main goals are to guide the eye throughout the artwork as well as give a somewhat calming effect. Repetition helps the eye to relax, it allows the viewer to look at something and only have to analyze it once. When you use many different shapes close to each other, your artwork might start to look a bit messy because it’s hard to tell what is what and why. Repetitive shapes have the power to guide the eye to the focal point as well, which turns it into a really powerful tool.

Life to Legend, back and to the future

As we all know: Time can fly. And boy, did Life to Legend fly! This is the first bi-annual update for Life to Legend of 2023 so let’s have a look back and into the future! Where do we stand now? What are the plans? What has changed?
I have to say that when I started the precursor to Life to Legend, called Wildlife and Creature design, I didn’t foresee what it now 3 years in the future would look like. But since starting with Life to Legend on the 9th of January 2021, it’s shaping up nicely in the direction I intended it to! Something I’m extremely happy about of course! And something I couldn’t have done without all of you readers and supporters! So Thank you!