Bio-luminescence for creatives, the magical world of organic light.

Bio-luminescence is a magically beautiful phenomenon that’s for many people a rarity to see. Bio-luminescence is an emission of light from an organism, that emits this light for its survival and/or reproduction. It’s a biochemical mechanism that involves a chemical process, resulting in a cold light. Instead of it creating heat, the reaction will create light instead.
Although bio-luminescence is rarely seen, it’s fairly common. Both on land and in the ocean. However, these events take place around specific times of the year, making it hard to actually seek them out. Also, a lot of bio-luminescent organisms have a relatively faint light. This means they can only be seen at night when no flashlights are used, or light pollution is nearby. Nonetheless, it’s an absolutely wonderful phenomenon and worth it to seek out when you have the chance!