How to make money with art

Making money with art is the dream of many artists. How wonderful is it to have your passion appreciated by people and even be paid for? Many artists manage to make a living out of their profession, however, an endeavour like this has to be treated as any other business. And art is probably one of the most competitive markets of all of them, simply because people enjoy making art.
So what can you do to set yourself up for success? And where can you go to make a living from your art?

The harsh truth of becoming a successful artist

The fact you decided to visit this article proves of some healthy interest in the topic, or maybe a bit of desperation and disillusion, Either way, you fear- or discovered that becoming a successful artist isn’t an easy job. The reason why is simple: Competition and over-saturation. Many people will do the thing you do for less money than you need to pay your bills from. And many companies outsource their jobs to countries that have very low minimum wages compared to that of the country said the company is situated. But this doesn’t mean that you will never become a successful artist. The road is just a bit rockier than that of other careers. So, what can you expect? And how can you navigate this road while maintaining healthy expectations?