Art career: The journey as an artist starts

First of all: Unlike most of the other articles, this one is about my own journey. How did I get where I am, and where am I at in 2021 after 4 years of training myself and 3 years of actually working in the field. Although this article is about me: I’m just using myself as an example, what I struggled with, what really helped me out, and some other useful lessons along the way. This article is especially interesting for people who think they won’t be able to do what I do, or what other artists do because of age, skill, resources, and so on. But also for people who want to be well-prepared and know what to expect when they aim for an art career.
So let me take you on a stroll and don’t hesitate to scroll past the first chapter if my pre-art-age doesn’t interest you that much!

How Life to Legend (LtL) came to be

Life to Legend is an initiative, especially for artists. The focus is around creature design, but it really doesn’t stop there. It’s a website built to create a community throughout a forum, the Facebook counterpart (Wildlife and creature design) and basically, anyone that enjoys coming here, now, and in the future. For illustrators, painters, sculptors, people in the gaming- and film industry, and even writers. People that love wildlife and creature design, but also people are just into art. So, how did this website come to be? Let us continue!