Gathering resources for your creature designs

Creature design is a relatively small, bur flourishing field. Up to roughly 20 years ago, you needed a giant library to be able to make effective designs, and information on the subject was very hard to get. That is different now in the age of the internet. We have all the information at our fingertips. But too much choice can be overwhelming too. So how do you effectively gather resources for your creature designs?

Free resources for artists

When you’re new in the art world, it’s hard to navigate and find what you’re looking for. Partially because you’re just that: New in the field and don’t know where to start, but also because you may not know what resources could be available for free, or even exist, to begin with. But no matter if you are a beginner or an advanced artist in the field: Free resources are always wonderful to have access to! So let me help you out!

Life to Legend Facebook guide and rules

We like to keep things as simple as possible, so instead of elaborating on Facebook with its limited tools to set and review the rules, we decided to go with a Life to Legend Facebook guide and rules page. If you’re someone that just likes to read along, this page might not be for you. But if you’re an active contributor, take the time to read this. It will make everybody’s life a little bit easier!

Imposter syndrome: The truth

If you’re an artist you probably heard of the imposter syndrome before. If not: You most likely felt it and now finally finding a name for it. The imposter syndrome is the feeling of doing something you don’t feel eligible to do, because you think your art sucks, or are not as good as the others. A feeling you think you will get over as time goes on and your art improves. But let me tell you that the imposter syndrome is an illusion. An illusion haunting nearly every single artist, no matter their skill level.