Quick tips for beautiful fantasy creature designs

Creature design is one of the harder professions to master. You have to thoroughly understand art fundamentals and the world around us. Not only animal and plant life, but also the human mind if you want to make appealing creature designs. So as you may understand: This guide is not a shortcut to becoming a great creature designer. It’s rather a guideline so you understand what it takes to become one, and what you should be focusing on when you decide to take this route.

How to create a pleasing balance in your artwork

Creating a pleasing balance in your artwork is key. Not just because this is pleasing to the eye, but also because it’s the ultimate test when it comes to art fundamentals. When you understand your art fundamentals, creating a pleasing balance will still be a challenge, but should be fairly easy to achieve. In this article, we will run through the thing you have to keep in mind when it comes to creating said balance.

Life to Legend, back and to the future

As we all know: Time can fly. And boy, did Life to Legend fly! This is the first bi-annual update for Life to Legend of 2023 so let’s have a look back and into the future! Where do we stand now? What are the plans? What has changed?
I have to say that when I started the precursor to Life to Legend, called Wildlife and Creature design, I didn’t foresee what it now 3 years in the future would look like. But since starting with Life to Legend on the 9th of January 2021, it’s shaping up nicely in the direction I intended it to! Something I’m extremely happy about of course! And something I couldn’t have done without all of you readers and supporters! So Thank you!

How to time and price your artworks

Time is money, I’m sure that you heard this one before. And that’s the simple answer. You chose to make money from your art. There is only one way to survive with that, and that’s to make a decent amount of money. This counts for any profession. In my personal opinion that should at least be your minimum wage from the point that you start your business.
However, there are many nuances. And how do you measure how long an artwork takes anyway?

The wonderful world of weird plant features ~ Archive

The wonderful world of weird plant features. Here we are, the conclusion and archive of those support articles. As you might already know, those articles describe wonderful adaptations in the plant world. Over the many years of evolution, cultivation, and documentation some strange things popped up. Some more than others.
Other than a fun read, this archive and the connected articles are meant to inspire artists and world builders and expand their scope of knowledge. Those examples are just a small collection of what goes on in our world, but it’s enough to make you as artists become aware and start discovering on your own.
Our world is full of the wonderful and remarkable. Many things of that most people are not even aware of. But because they exist in our world, they can be a really nice place to start when building creatures or worlds.