LtL update, the future of Life to Legend

Why today you may think? Well, today exactly a year ago I decided to change the old Facebook group called Wildlife and Creatures into Life to Legend. Shortly thereafter, on the 14th of December, I bought the domain name and started what now is a solid educative and informative website for artists. Starting a blog is a huge gamble. You need to write a lot of articles before it’s even noticed, to begin with. I knew this beforehand, and I knew it would take at least a year before I would see results, This is because I’m simply not able to write more than one article a week. But after nearly 1000 workhours on this project, I can finally say that it was worth it!

Target audiences, how I aim to generate income

Having more than one audience is totally fine. Honestly: Catering to more than one audience means that you’re having a good business practice!
Especially when it comes to the artistic world, its very beneficial if you have more than one project going on. It will help you continue your work even if there’s a crisis or recession going on. If one kind of project doesn’t work: The other might do very good, or at least sustain you.

Imposter syndrome: The truth

If you’re an artist you probably heard of the imposter syndrome before. If not: You most likely felt it and now finally finding a name for it. The imposter syndrome is the feeling of doing something you don’t feel eligible to do, because you think your art sucks, or are not as good as the others. A feeling you think you will get over as time goes on and your art improves. But let me tell you that the imposter syndrome is an illusion. An illusion haunting nearly every single artist, no matter their skill level.