Creature design archive

After nearly 1,5 years of writing articles, it’s time to backtrack a bit and make you some archives! This time it’s about creature design as that’s the one that’s covered the most. So here you go, sit down, relax, and flip through this overview without having to worry that you missed something!
Click on the image or the link to proceed to the related article.
The last update stems from 21-03-2022.

The importance of environments in your creature design + case study

Evolutionarily seen, animals are subject to their environment. There are only a few species that can build their environment around them, like humans, and arguably apes. But even so, we had to climb the evolutionary ladder to get where we are at now. And all that time we were subject to our environment. We even are now to this day in our own artificial environments. It’s no different for surreal creatures. so let us dive into the importance of environments in your creature design!

10+ teaching YouTube artists you don’t want to miss!

There are many amazing artists out there, and some of them use YouTube as a platform to teach. So, if you are looking to learn something new, or want to understand different approaches to the same subject a bit better? These artists are a great place to start. They will help you getting a better understanding of the work field, different techniques and approaches, and different materials and tools.