The fundamentals of color theory explained

Art fundamentals of color theory is a treasure of knowledge that will make your artwork pop. But it can also be a pain in the butt. Color theory is among the hardest to grasp fundamentals of all of them. Even when you know the rules, it might be hard to apply them. This doesn’t count for everyone though. Color theory to some people comes naturally, which might make it even more frustrating to those that have trouble mastering it.

Autumn color study – Colors affected by light

Autumn, you either hate it or love it. It means the end of the summer, but it’s also the beginning of an amazingly beautiful color palette. The colors of the deciduous trees start shifting color from green to yellows, oranges, bright red, and earthy tones. Some plants start blooming, others grow their fruits and seedpods. Not to mention the broad variety of mushrooms that start to pop out of every nook and cranny. All and all, autumn is the season of abundance. Animals can now stock up for the harsh winter to come. And artists get out of their hidey holes for a seasonal color study