Copyright infringement by a company [Case study]

Sooner or later this will happen to all of us. Your art will be stolen for one or another reason and you’re left at the sideline wondering how you are gonna solve this copyright infringement.
Sadly, there is very little protection for artists, and the digital age makes theft a lot easier. In this article, we take you on a ride with Helena Fantasy Art, who had one of her masterpieces called ‘Lady Elluna’ taken from her by a Chinese company for a 3D game.

How a dragon god made the jellyfish lose its shell

How the jellyfish lost its shell is one story of many about the dragon god Ryujin. Jellyfish are strange creatures. These days we know what they are and we know much about how they go about their lives, but imagine living in a time when everything new in your life was a good chance of being something nobody ever had seen before? That was food for legends, and that’s how a dragon god made the jellyfish loose its shell.