Why learning anatomy for creature design is important

Anatomy is one of these things many people are allergic to. So, why is learning anatomy for creature design so important? The simple answer is: It’s an art fundamental. The more complex answer we will discuss in this article. Getting a hang of the why and how will probably make you a bit more excited about this much-dreaded art fundamental. It’s fun to learn really, that is if you have a solid grip on what you’re supposed to learn and why. Thankfully, anatomy is not repetitive. This makes it really awesome to learn once you put your mind to it.

What is concept art

When I just started drawing I had a lot of difficulties understanding the difference between ‘normal’ art and concept art. To me, concept art more often than not looked finished and polished or fully rendered. While at the same time some specific art styles looked unfinished to me, or as something I’d expect to be a concept.
I know that with me there are far more people that don’t understand what concept art really is. And the truth is: You can’t tell by just looking at it. There is just one key ingredient to be able to tell if it’s concept art or not: Was it meant to serve as a concept or not.

Shape language basics in art

Shape language, you probably heard about that before. Shapes can communicate something to the onlooker. It sets a mood or tells something about a character. We especially see this in comic styles where shapes are a lot more telling than in daily life. Traditional movies apply it too, and we even do so in our own households. In this article we specifically look at the basics of shape language when applied to characters and creatures, and what they communicate.

The features of the adult jellyfish

The adult jellyfish, though enigmatic, isn’t the most popular kind of animal. However, they’re a great creature for creatives. Their calm and careless way of living, and their various physical traits are not only amazing for creature designs and storytelling, but are also very popular in ocean-themed babyrooms. For those with a true love for jellyfish there are lamps, sculptures, christmas decoration and much much more.
Adult jellyfish for creatives explains more about this wonderful creature. Its important to look at their behaviour, their diet, the way they look and move, their habitat… All in all its important to know the species inside out. Other than that, its very helpful to understand symbolism as well, as that tells a lot about how people feel about them.