Tips on finding, and catering to multiple target audiences

Catering to an audience is a challenge on its own. Being a pro artist is, like any other profession, a form of business. Some people may not want to make money from their art and see it as a hobby instead, but this article it’s all about the artist that wants to be a part- or full-time artist. And an artist that wants to cater to multiple target audiences. Something I very much recommend as one type of specialization may dry up at any time. Others though may flourish. Having more than one outlet for your art is very beneficial.

Target audiences, how I aim to generate income

Having more than one audience is totally fine. Honestly: Catering to more than one audience means that you’re having a good business practice!
Especially when it comes to the artistic world, its very beneficial if you have more than one project going on. It will help you continue your work even if there’s a crisis or recession going on. If one kind of project doesn’t work: The other might do very good, or at least sustain you.