Imposter syndrome: The truth

If you’re an artist you probably heard of the imposter syndrome before. If not: You most likely felt it and now finally finding a name for it. The imposter syndrome is the feeling of doing something you don’t feel eligible to do, because you think your art sucks, or are not as good as the others. A feeling you think you will get over as time goes on and your art improves. But let me tell you that the imposter syndrome is an illusion. An illusion haunting nearly every single artist, no matter their skill level.

Art career: The journey as an artist starts

First of all: Unlike most of the other articles, this one is about my own journey. How did I get where I am, and where am I at in 2021 after 4 years of training myself and 3 years of actually working in the field. Although this article is about me: I’m just using myself as an example, what I struggled with, what really helped me out, and some other useful lessons along the way. This article is especially interesting for people who think they won’t be able to do what I do, or what other artists do because of age, skill, resources, and so on. But also for people who want to be well-prepared and know what to expect when they aim for an art career.
So let me take you on a stroll and don’t hesitate to scroll past the first chapter if my pre-art-age doesn’t interest you that much!

10+ teaching YouTube artists you don’t want to miss!

There are many amazing artists out there, and some of them use YouTube as a platform to teach. So, if you are looking to learn something new, or want to understand different approaches to the same subject a bit better? These artists are a great place to start. They will help you getting a better understanding of the work field, different techniques and approaches, and different materials and tools.

Copyright infringement by a company [Case study]

Sooner or later this will happen to all of us. Your art will be stolen for one or another reason and you’re left at the sideline wondering how you are gonna solve this copyright infringement.
Sadly, there is very little protection for artists, and the digital age makes theft a lot easier. In this article, we take you on a ride with Helena Fantasy Art, who had one of her masterpieces called ‘Lady Elluna’ taken from her by a Chinese company for a 3D game.